Archive for August, 2008


Sunday is going to ROCK…

No, seriously… you do not want to miss this Sunday.  I dropped in on band practice tonight and holy freakin’ cow they are going to blow you away over the next few weeks!  Dont forget, you get a chance to play the rockstar and show your skilz on Guitar Hero before the service… if you think you’ve got the game to play against the Eric Clapton of Guitar Hero 😉 .  See you Sunday!


We will fail…

In Lifesong’s short life we have seen some pretty awesome things and, quite honestly, we have not had too many failures… YET.  I believe that in order to be as effective as we can be we must constantly be pushing to the edge, striking out into unknown territory and attempting the impossible.  To do that two things MUST happen…

  1. We must FAIL... when we try new things, some will work and some wont but we CAN NOT allow the fear of failure to keep us from trying!  When we started this church, we had NOTHING… no people, no money, no building, no sponsors, and no experience in starting a church but we struck out because the VISION to reach this GENERATION with the Message trumped ALL that!  A sign of progress is FAILURE… too many churches are sacrificing the vision on the alter of safety.  Lifesong WILL NOT be one of them.  We must ALWAYS do ministry out of our IMAGINATION, which requires us to risk and not from the safety of our MEMORY.
  2. We must CHANGE… even though we are not even a year old yet, change is coming.  What worked for us when we started WILL NOT get us to where we need to go.  Our leadership structure must change, our systems must change, even our style must constantly be changing. In order to reach an EVER CHANGING culture we must adapt the methods we use to reach it.  Someone once said, “The greatest opposition to what God is doing today comes from those who were on the cutting edge of what God was doing yesterday.”  What was a great idea, or program, or job title a year ago will (one day) need to change in order to reach the next level and ultimately fulfill the vision of Lifesong church.  The problem comes in when it was MY idea, or MY program, or MY job title… can I let it go?  Can you?  We must be willing to change even when it is UNCOMFORTABLE.

May we ALWAYS be a church that makes people laugh at our foolishness , satan pee his pants and God smile at our RECKLESS FAITH!


Sunday night thoughts…

  • Crazy day today… really hectic set-up, but  good day overall.
  • A little down in attendance today… people taking advantage of their last weekend before school starts tomorrow.
  • Really excited that four guys signed up to be a part of the Lifesong “Roadies”… setting up and tearing down in the theater is hard work but with more help its going to be awesome!
  • Man… I missed preaching!  I don’t know if I could have said that two weeks ago… fresh perspective is a great thing.  I felt “out of sync” with today’s message, but I think it connected with the church.
  • Just finished up with a creative meeting for the rest of the series for the year… really cool stuff coming!
  • I have really enjoyed our series “Stand” but I am REALLY pumped about starting Lifesong Rocks next week!  Be at the theater EARLY next week… and get ready to play the rock-star!