
No more Tooth Fairy

tooth-fairy.jpgOur oldest daughter Lindsay has reached a milestone in her life… she no longer believes in the tooth fairy.  This is a difficult transition for her mom and me.  Our “baby” is growing up.  This stinks!!!  Why can’t she stay our little girl who belives in a freakish old lady (or dude) in tights that breaks into peoples homes and leaves money under the pillows of periodontally challenged kids? 

We have come to realize that she is growing and (for all my complaining) we would be concerned if she didn’t.   We would recognize that there was a problem if she still used a pacifier when she is seven or was struggling with potty training at sixteen (although thats not a bad idea, it would be hard to get a date wearing a diaper;-)! 

The same is true for Christians… we should be growing!  If we are not then, just like Lindsay, there is a problem.  I get very frustrated with believers who will not grow up!  Christians who act like spiritual babies.  I’m not the only pastor who has felt this way, look at what Paul said in 1 Corinthians 3:1-3.  In essence Paul was telling this church to GROW UP!  If you are a new Christian, its ok for you to act like a new Christian… if you have been a Christ follower for years it is NOT!  Spiritually immature Christians and infants have alot in common:

*  They both can’t tolerate solid food

*  They both must be catered to

*  They can be critical and uncaring

*  They are both short sighted

*  Each is selfish… caring only about themselves

Lifesong will be a church that will encourage everyone to take the next step in there journey of faith!  If you are not willing to do that, this may not be the church for you.  I’m not trying to be mean or cold-hearted, just honest.  Spitirually immature, lifelong church members have done more to hurt the cause of Christ than just about anything!  At Lifesong church, this will not happen… the stakes are too high to settle for anything less!

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