
Friday five…

  1. I am seriously blown away at what God did at Unleash yesterday!  Still trying to wrap my mind around it…
  2. I am so thankful and blessed to lead a church that has people who are willing to give up a day of work, get up before the freakin’ rooster and spend the ENTIRE day to go to a conference to make Lifesong better.  I really appreciate you guys!
  3. This Sunday is going to be INCREDIBLY tense… I cant wait 😉
  4. Invite your friends to Lifesong this Sunday… Yes we are talking about sex and yes the Gospel will be preached!  By the way, does anybody have a big beach umbrella?
  5. I was reminded yesterday that Jesus builds His Church, not ME… and His plans and vision for it are infinitely BIGGER than mine.

1 Response to “Friday five…”

  1. 1 Worship Diva
    March 14, 2009 at 10:32 am

    I have a beach umbrella.

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