
The power of one…

One seems like such an insignificant number.  It’s not like the really cool numbers… like seven, it’s really cool, it has a drink named after it.  Or two, its so cool that it has a nickname… “snake eyes,” even the nickname sounds cool.  But one has something that the others doesn’t… power:

  • Martin Luther decided that “regular” people, not just the religious elite, should have access to the Bible so he translated it from Latin (which no-one could understand) into German (his native language)… they called him a heretic, but he changed the world (he also had something to do with a little deal called the Reformation).
  • John Wesley was told that he was too “fanatical” to preach in the Church of England and in a day was it was considered heresy to preach outside the walls of a church building, he took the message to where the people were and traveled some 250,000 miles on HORSEBACK, preached 40,000 messages and led 150,000 people to Christ… he believed in the power of one and changed the world.
  • Dwight L. Moody decided that people (sailors, gamblers and thieves in Chicago) needed to understand the Bible and started a Bible study in a BAR which led to one of the largest “Sunday Schools” of his time.
  • Lottie Moon spent her life investing in the people of China at a time when women were considered “unfit” for direct contact with such “heathen” people.

One is powerful… One can change the world… One can change eternity.  If one is willing to INVEST in something other than themselves.  You may not be able to change the world, but YOU can make an IMPACT in ONE persons life… Who are YOU investing in TODAY?   Make a phone call… send an email… buy a lunch and INVITE someone to Lifesong this Sunday!

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